DevOps is a Trojan Horse. Of the Indispensable Kind
DevOps is usually brought within the walls of an organisation to improve IT. However, once the DevOps horse is ...
Experiencing Obeya In Our Way
Few years back I was working in a leather goods manufacturing company. I started a working as a Lean ...
There are alternatives to OKRs
I just came across this nice reading from Mattias Skarin from crisp about the comparison of strategic alignment frameworks, ...
Virtual Obeya – tooling comparison
What do you do with your physical Obeya wall when everybody’s working remotely? How will you keep the richness ...
Virtual Obeya? Make it look like the physical one!
In order to maintain the quality of visual management in your Obeya, try to make your virtual Obeya look ...
KEY TAKE AWAYS A Value Stream Map indicates at a macro level how the work flows through your ...
What is Obeya – articles and videos
Our belief is better leadership will lead to a better world for all of us. Sharing knowledge and building ...
Lean and Agile in the jungle
One in eleven children die in Liberia. If we step up now, we might be able to save some ...
Increase your effectiveness in leading organizations: Obeya for leadership teams
The Obeya Fundamentals Training helps connect the dots from purpose to meaningful actions on the workfloor next Monday. ...